
Thursday, June 18, 2020

Podcast update

The podcast team has just announced that the first episode release date is the last day of the term.
This date may change at any time. but at the moment that is the date.

we have been filming the garden to table crew and getting exclusive video footage. 
we are also going to be showing an interview with Liz Weir. our principal. in quarantine.
and a book review by the one and only Skye young!

also a very special segment which is a surprise!

sorry its taking a while! You wont have to wait much longer hopefully

Maths understanding

This week in maths we where working on decimals and fractions.

one of the questions was if 3/5 of the school is boys, and 2/5 girls. There is 2000 students. how many are girls?

The way I worked this out was I found out what 2/5 of 1000 is which is 400. then I doubled it.
giving me 800 which was the right answer.

Something else we are doing in maths is decimals into fractions into percentages.

like this

0.86 = 86/100 = 86%

And the hardest thing for me was one of the questions on a sheet we did.
here is the question

 here is a graph. the students at a school were asked to vote for there favourite lunch item.

Pies- 25%
chocolate 38%
Chips 27%

there is 5000 kids at the school. how many preferred chocolate.

I worked this question out by first figuring out the 38% of 100 which is 38.
then I times 38 by 5
38 x 38 x 38 x 38 x 38 = 190.
190 is the answer

so 190 is the answer.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

My two favourite poems from this week

Quatrain- What is this feeling?
What is this feeling I have in my stomach?
When I am near you I think I might fly.
When did my emotions start feeling atomic?

Well whatever it is I am glad I have you to abide by.

Triplet- I am a werewolf
His claws sank through raw flesh
Scars that I will surely never lose
Was it worth it for the outcome?

The moon became my nemesis
Smirking down at me through the sky
I howl at him, let him know he failed me.

My home is now the moor,
Lying in the grass is my new found peace
Alpha howl at dawn means fight.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Couplet Poem

Couplet Poem

She stopped to help

She looks down at the poor lad,

And does not feel a bit glad.

He looks awful sick and poor,

It rattles her down to the core.

Here, take this water and jacket,

He smiled wide and drank it.

His eyes betrayed his surprise

When she sat down with him, to wait for sunrise.

If you have any better rhyming words please comment and let me know

Thursday, June 4, 2020

My Concrete Poem

Here is my poem of the week. a concrete poem. I decided to do one of a fantail/piwakawaka ans here is my poem. Please give me feedback on what I did wrong

if you cant read it the poem is,

Fluttering softly are the feathers of the fantail, He loses them as they catch on trees. One day there may be none left and he will be stripped of his beauty, but not of his grace.