
Thursday, February 28, 2019


My Milo is writing a song and recording it then making a music video. in the first two sessions i have started writing lyrics on the computer and watching videos of songwriting tips and acting tips. Now i'm going to finish the lyrics and start finding out what key it is in 😀😀😀

here is one of the videos i used

Monday, February 18, 2019

The oily penguin

Tangaroa's fingernails

My connection is that i have seen a penguin covered

In oil. And the poor bird nearly died because of it.

I was really worried for him which is why i relate to

Tangaroa. He was worried about oil spreading and so was I

This was a project for our literacy group we read a story called tangaroa's fingernails and it was about some oil spreading in the sea and tangaroa stopping it we were told to find a connection to that story and something that has happened to you and here is mine :)