
Friday, September 11, 2020

Science Project Inquiry

 For Science this term (and term 4) we have been told to create a sort of plan or prototype for an outdoor garden, basically the prompt was make a garden that has a variety of plants that fit the purpose, also researching about what these plants need, which season they grow best in, what plants they can grow with, what kind of dirt, etc. Their were three different types of garden we could make, a vegetable garden that will provide food all year round, a garden that provides a safe space for new zeland native birds, and a healing garden with plants and spaces that can heal you, physically and mentally. We had the freedom to do whatever we want to showcase our garden, so I decided to do my garden in mine craft. I also decided to do a healing garden. I have already started planning which plants to use and links to sources about how to plant them, and what is needed to provide them life.  I have also made a rough plan for my minecraft build. My next step is probably to find out what each plant thrives best in which season. like what season is best to plant that plant. I think it would be cool to have different sections for each season and that area of plants and trees , etc. 

I am really excited for this terms science inquiry and can't wait to finish!