
Friday, March 27, 2020

What Happened To Our Plants?

What's  Happened to Our Plants?

We've planted hundreds of seeds, and they were just getting big enough to transfer out of the tunnel house and into the garden. I didn't want them to die after all our work, so I've packed them all up onto the trailer and moved them to my house for the next 4 weeks. Most of them are getting too big for the little pots they're in so I going to transfer them into the bigger pots you see in the photos. That way their roots will have more soil available to grow into and get more nutrients. Hopefully we'll be able to use them to do some cooking together when we get back to school.
    All loaded up                                At their new (temporary) home.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


As you will all know, School has been shut down for 4 weeks. This is how I have been managing doing work at home.
My dad has an office in our garage and me and my sister have a step up in there.we have two  tables set up facing each other and we each have out computers and Chromebook. I am using my mums old computer. other things I have are my notebook and pen and my awesome hedwig mug.
The teachers set us up with a learning platform called Education Perfect where they can send us assignments to complete. We also have the google site where the teacher link in work for us to do.
My mum and dad have a schedule made where it shows how long we work for everyday not including weekends. I am quite enjoying getting tasks on Education Perfect because they challenge me and they are fun. One thing that I dislike with being isolated is being away from my friends. The majority of my friends I have their phone numbers but some of them I dont so we created a google document that we can chat on. we also send each other emails.
Me and some of my friends have also been having a friendly Sumdog competion and that has been keeping my spirits high.
I hope that school will start again soon
Stay Safe

Monday, March 16, 2020


This week in literacy we learnt about metaphors hears my google drawing

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

This is just to say.

By Bluebell Barr and William Carlos Williams.