
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Biking with Mum.

Lets go for a nice bike ride? She said
It will be fun, she said.
She was so wrong in so many ways...

Yesterday me and my mum decided to go on a bike ride before it started raining, We got our bikes ready and I was excited because I had got a new bike and I hadn't really tried it yet.
Once we started everything was good and then we got to park and we started the track. The river was really beautiful and the nature was calming. When we got to the bridge mum said, "I want to try go a different way then normal." I thought that it was just a longer way around the river and I followed her. Once we turned we had to go over a long grass field and then we hit a road. We biked down the road and I had no worries. Then we biked past a very industrial house and mum was very excited because my dad had done a website for the guy that lived there. She was gushing over his house and then we saw a guy looking at us from outside the house, he had a hand covering his eyes and was pairing at us. We quickly biked away but it was really funny and mum was quite embarrassed.
We kept biking along the road and soon hit a track covered in pine needles. we slowed down and then we hit a very bumpy rocky track and I was very scared. Mum was whooping and cheering going over the bumps and I was quite far behind. Once it ended I was very happy but then all my happiness disappeared because we ended up in a field of itchy flax and prickles and grass. We got of our bikes and tried to figure out were we were. My mum couldn't stop laughing and I was just angry and sad because my legs were itching like crazy!
We ventured across the field and found a path but there was a metal fence blocking our way.
We decided to improvise and My mum lifted her bike over the fence and it took about two minutes, then we did my bike and I was so happy to get out of that field! My legs has a red mark up the sides and I was miserable/. My mum thought the whole thing was hilarious but I wasn't so sure...

The Alchemist

The Alchemist

She had resided at Raven Cliff Crag for hundreds of years, perfecting her art, honing her skills.
Her concoctions bubbled and frothed in front of her; she let out a hearty laugh. “Not long now” she muttered under her breath. Her creation was almost complete.

The bottles were seething widely under her glare, finally she could escape her superiors and run away with a new free will

The mountains far beyond seemed to salute her as she lifted her head triumphantly, the little shacks they sleep in seem tiny compared to the world beyond.

She is so close to breaking free of their little spell, time is what is needed now.

Raven cliff crag was unaware of the high treason occuring behind the scenes of their heavily guarded campsite.

For thousands of years she had respected her people, she had watched them die and have others take their places at the top. She has seen new laws be placed and she has obeyed them, no praise. She is just the healer, the witch that can protect us.

No longer will she tolerate it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Zoning out from Reality

This story is from my litercay work for this week. we did an A to Z about things we have done in isolation, then we choose one and write a short story. Please comment feedback!

'Zoning out from reality.

My legs pressed against the leather of our elderly couch. This felt familiar. I longed for something wild to happen, to spice things up a little. Some days I wish I was a story character. Going out to the movies with my favourite book characters doesn't seem like a bad idea at all.

I allow myself to close my eyes and fall into a world with no younger sisters. No tidying the house every waking second.

I open my eyes again and see no pristine living room. I see trees, tall towering trees, reaching the clouds. I look around. Everything is shimmering and glitter is falling delicatly from the sky.

Someone yells at me. I turn abruptly and see a girl, she has long blonde hair and surprisingly grey eyes. Annabeth Chase. The female heroine of Percy Jackson. For a minute I stand there and she eyes me up and down excitedly.

“Hi.” I stutter. She just smiles and hugs me. Other silhouettes emerge from the trees. I hug Annabeth whilst trying to wildly study the people around me. It's my favourite book character. Jace Herondale, Rose Hathaway, Luna Lovegood, Tris Prior, Simon Lewis, Sydney Sage…

I start to laugh in pure happiness. This is paradise.

Abruptly I am jerked away from Annabeth. The world starts to fade away. I want to scream, but I let myself be pulled dreamily back into reality.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Family Music Playlist

A few days ago I sent a text to my family members what there favourite song is for a project. Altogether I think I sent 9 texts and then I also asked my parents and sister in real life. I got an interesting mix of pop, rock, jazz, blues and country music. I was really shocked how all our songs were so different but kinda the same. The first thing I did was make a spotify playlist and send it to everyone so they could listen to the songs. then I made a google form with all the songs and made them guess which favourite song belongs to who. The reason I sent both of these is so they can listen to the songs and get an idea of the style so it would be easier to answer the questions. I have no replys yet but i think that it will work.

Mini book

Yesterday I watched a cool tutorial and made a cute mini book. the process of making the book was easy and fun, I am not a big origami fan but making the book was enjoyable.

I decided to make the book about about great and classic movies that I love! The decorating process of the book took a good part of the day but I am so proud of it! the movies I choose were Ferris Buellers day off, Clueless, Hunger Games, Mean girls, Pitch perfect and Harry potter. I put quite a lot of time on each page and I love it! I am currently working on a TV show one. And now i really want to make a book one as well but i would need 4 or 5 books to list all my favourite books.

I think that it was a great activity and I took a while and it was not a waste of time.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

My Puzzle!

One of the prompts that our teacher Sharon sent us was to make our own custom puzzle. I choose to make my own puzzle design on Google drawings. I ended up doing the rawhiti logo. the way I made it was by getting an image of the logo and using the poly line tool to trace the wave pattern and then I filled in the purple and added in the yellow from scratch.

Then I inserted it in the puzzle maker app and I had a really fun time trying to make it.
The pattern was relatively hard to match up and at times finding the correct piece was really hard.
What made it easier was the fact that I know the logo really well and I made the puzzle so I kinda knew what goes where.

My time for the puzzle was 25:58 minutes

Here is the photo of the finished puzzle and I had a great time making it and putting it together