
Friday, August 16, 2019

Our first Science Experiment!- Hokey Pokey

Hokey Pokey

Team name- Slytherclaws 🐍🐦
People in team- Sophie Bangma & Bluebell Barr
We making- HOKEY POKEY

100 grams of caster sugar
4 tablespoons of golden syrup
1 and a half teaspoon bicarbonate of soda


Put the sugar and syrup into a saucepan and stir ( do not stir when it is on the heat)

Put the pan on the heat and let it melt, it should turn to goo. Then a bubbling mass the colour of maple syrup. This will take around 3 minutes

Take it off the heat and whisk it in with the bicarbonate soda. And watch it turn into a cloud of pale gold. Put it immediately onto some baking paper.

Leave it to set and bash it into small pieces.

now put in plain vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce 😍😍😍😎😎😎

Thursday, August 15, 2019

What is Divison

its just a Prank???

It's Just a Prank???

The wind rushes through my hair I run to a stray corn field lie down and… The ground rocks? I jolt awake from my peaceful dream. The boys must be rocking my bed to annoy me. I scramble to the edge of the old musty bed Yelling. Alright this time it's not funny!!!
I look down and see… Water? Rushing and spraying my face with mist. Im dreaming right?? I look around. I am surrounded by trees and wind. Bushes sprouting with wild cranberries… Ok this is just a stupid prank i thought, It must be…
I get up standing on the springy bed. I groan and fall backwards into the rushing water. I Moan clutching my stomach. Why can’t i stand??? I crawl petifully back up to the bed which is rocking more now that i have fallen off. I expected it to come rushing over my head with the current. As i got back on i tried to remember what had happen last night…
The boys were jumping around the cabin like wild animals. Shut up. I moan. I have been feeling unwell all day and now i feel like im going to be sick. Owen the small quiet boy at the back of the room said in a mistfull voice… Here, Take these antibiotics they’ll help… He slowly hands me a small tub of very small pills and a glass of water. I take the pills and crush it in my teeth swallowing it whole. I pull my sheets up and lie down…
Of course!!! The pills… wait a minute they are pills? How could pills teleport me into the middle of unknown terrain??? Suddenly I began to feel very sick…
The End!!